
Setup a Wireguard VPN Server

Introduction Welcome to another blog post, today I’m going to show you how to setup a secure Wireguard VPN server. WireGuard is a modern, fast, and secure VPN protocol that provides excellent performance and encryption. In this tutorial, we will explain how to set up a secure WireGuard server on Linux. For this demonstration and walkthrough I will be using Ubuntu 22.04 on a 1vcpu 1GB Memory VPS hosted on www.

Securing Web Apps With Authelia

Introduction Welcome to another blog post, today I’m going to show you how to secure web applications with Authelia! Authelia intregrates into many common reverse proxies to add authentication in front of web applications, for example you have a website that you want to implement multi-factor authentication in front of it, Authelia has you covered. Authelia supports single factor and multi-factor, allowing you to authenticate with a one time passcode or even a yubikey!

Self Host Tailscale Derp Server

Introduction Welcome to my post, today I’m going to show you how to deploy your own Tailscale DERP server using a docker container I built myself! For this demonstration and walkthrough I will be using Ubuntu 22.04 on a 1vcpu 1GB Memory VPS hosted on www.binarylane.com.au. I highly recommened BinaryLane as they provide fast and reliable VPS solutions and even dedicated servers! Prerequisites Linux Server Docker (Docker Installation Docs) Git https://github.